VCI Nanotechnology™

Volatile or Vapor phase corrosion inhibitors (VCI/VPI) are a class of chemical compounds that emit rust inhibiting vapors into an enclosed air space to prevent corrosion on a metal surface. Armor Protective Packaging® products utilize our proprietary VCI nanotechnology, essential to keeping your shipments, stored items and even in-process metals corrosion free for years of protection.

How ARMOR Proprietary VCI Nanotechnology™ Works

ARMOR has engineered highly specialized corrosion inhibitors based on ionic salts. Our packaging materials are infused with the corrosion inhibitors, carrying them into the packaging environment. In the presence of moisture the salts dissolve to form ions, permeating the packaging environment with corrosion inhibitors. The inhibiting ions are attracted to and deposit on the metallic surfaces displacing moisture in the process and re-associating to form a stable nanocoating only a few molecules thick.

So what is nanotechnology specifically? According to U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative, Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at the nanoscale (dimensions between 1 and 100 nanometers), where unique phenomena enable novel applications.

How thick is an ARMOR VCI layer on the surface of a metal?

Thickness ranges between 4 – 6 nanometers (2 to 3 molecules thick)

Compare this to:

Sheet of copy paper = 100,000 nanometers
Average human hair = 50,000 nanometers
Primer paint coating = 20,000 nanometers
ARMOR Dry Coat™ RP = 800 nanometers

VCI Nanotechnology™

The adsorption process is not instantaneous. It requires time to form the inhibitor layer.

  • As fast as 6 hours
  • As long as 6 days
  • Practical application: 20 to 30 hours

ARMOR VCIs utilize “mixed inhibitor technology”.
They are formulated to saturate the vapor space quickly and have a lasting effect

VCI Nanotechnology™

Benefits of ARMOR Proprietary VCI:

  • Self-adjusts to the environment (temperature & humidity)
  • Migrates to distant metallic surfaces and recessed areas VCI
  • Molecular film does not alter any important metal properties
  • Vapors replenish inside the contained package