Welcome to the ARMOR media section that houses our photos and videos. It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words so we’ve compiled as many photos as possible to help educate our end user customers and distributors. Here you will find photos about what to do and what not to do regarding proper usage of our vapor corrosion inhibitor technology. You will see how customers are able to prevent corrosion and rust on their metal products through ARMOR VCI packaging products such as VCI paper, VCI film, desiccants and VCI rust preventative liquids. If a picture is worth a thousand words, you’ll discover even more value with our collection of videos that educate and instruct on our VCI product line and our proprietary VCI Nanotechnology™. You’ll even see ARMOR “in the movies” under the ARMOR IN HOLLYWOOD section with our cameo in Iron Man™ II. Finally, be sure to check out our Workshop Hero™ consumer division videos where you’ll discover first-hand how Frank Fritz, from American Pickers on HISTORY™ Channel uses Metal Rescue™ Rust Remover with his “picks”-a product that anyone should have in their garage or workshop!